What is lead nurturing?

The ingredient to converting leads

The marketing and sales demands to keep up with competition.

If you're coming from our website, you've seen us use the phrase 'lead nurture' a lot. What it means is warming up your leads to buy from you. There are different buying stages a lead can be in, but the goal is to move them through the buyer's journey.

Aiming for those who are ready to buy is aiming for those that all competitors are aiming for as well - that only accounts for 3% of the market. You can instead reach the other 97%, guiding them through the different consideration and purchasing stages.

AKA the Buyer's Journey.

Can anyone do this?

Yes. Well, essentially... You see, lead nurturing isn't one single process, but a system of processes that can be tailored to any business. It just means convincing leads to buy from you. So, a mix of marketing and sales.

It is an extensive field, but a simple example of a lead nurturing campaign is email marketing. A principle to follow in that is personalisation, and a tool to improve it is lead scoring. With these 3, you can hook a lead, get them interested, and improve their engagement to convert them.

These, along with more fundamentals, are explained in our lead nurturing guide.

The 9 Fundamentals of How to Reduce Lost Traffic, and Keep Leads Coming Back for more 📘

How to setup lead nurturing campaigns?

This is popularly done with a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) = exactly what the name suggests. Made to manage leads and customers from A to Z, their technologies keep growing - being able to run an entire business from one.

Promo - Lawtomize's service is accompanied by a free CRM to build, track, and improve conversion systems with lead nurturing.

How do start with lead nurturing?

It could be as simple as calling them up (if they've given consent!), or sending personalised emails. But this won't last long and won't be maintainable if you want to nurture several leads at a time.

To start, you're going to want some sort of tool where you can track engagement & interactions, and act accordingly on the actions for each lead (such as a CRM can do). Start with email marketing, for example. Nothing extensive, but simple emails sent about your topic to your lead's inbox.

If you're doing some already, then you can always build out. Have you tried lead scoring? Where you score an interaction of any sort with points. For example, if a lead clicks a link in an email, they get 5 points. This way, a lead that has racked up many points, you know that they are interested. Sales can stop wasting their time on uninterested leads and improve sales productivity.

A 10% increase in lead quality can translate to a 40% increase in sales productivity” - Adobe




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